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Algonquin Wildlands League, Wilderness Now. 1971, Toronto: New Press
Subject: Forest Conservation
Anderson, Peter, Forestry Research at the Central Experimental Farm. Forestory, 2015, 6(1), 20-22 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Forest Science/Education
Location: southeastern ontario; ottawa
Keywords: forest research; central experimental farm; federal government; ottawa; forestory
Angus, J.T., A Deo Victoria: The Story of the Georgian Bay Lumber Company , 1871-1942. 1994, Ontario Heritage Foundation
Subject: Logging
Location: Georgian Bay
Angus, J.T., Mills and Mill Villages of Severn Township. 1998, Severn Publishing
Location: Severn Township
Anon, Forest Resources Inventory of Ontario, 1996. 1996, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Location: Ontario
Anon, The Forest Resources of Ontario. 1963, Ontario Department of Lands and Forests
anon, FHS Book Award Goes to Mark Kuhlberg. Forestory, 2023, 14(2), 4
Subject: Events/News
Keywords: FHO book award; Mark Kuhlberg
Anon, In Memorian: Mike Innes. Forestory, 2023, 14(2), 60
Subject: People/Personal Recollections,Events/News
Keywords: in memoriam; Mike Innes
Anon, In Memoriam - Robert Burgar. Forestory, 2024, 15(1), 70
Subject: People/Personal Recollections
Keywords: Robert Burgar; Forester; Obituary; Memoriam
Armson, Erling, Ontario's Lesser Snow Geese - An Ever-Changing Story. Forestory, 2014, 5(2), 9-10 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Wildlife/Habitat
Keywords: snow geese; forestory
Armson, K.A., Ontario Forests. 2001, Fitzhenry & Whiteside
Armson, K.A., Forest Management in Ontario. 1976, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Armson, K.A., M.McLeod, The Legacy of John Waldie and Sons. 2007, Dundurn
Subject: Forest Industry/Extraction/Products,People/Personal Recollections
Armson, Ken, Provincial Forest History Associations in Canada. Forestory, 2010, 1(1), 6 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Museums/Archives/Societies
Keywords: forest history associations canada; forestory
Armson, Ken, President's Message. Forestory, 2010, 1(1), i Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Commentary
Keywords: Commentary; forestory; president's message
Armson, Ken, Books Recommended by Ken Armson. Forestory, 2010, 1(2), 23 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Book Reviews/References/Resources
Location: Northeastern Ontario
Keywords: book references; ken armson; forestory
Armson, Ken, President's Message. Forestory, 2010, 1(2), i Toronto: FHSO
Armson, Ken, President's Message. Forestory, 2011, 2(1), i Toronto: FHSO
Armson, Ken, Donald MacKay, 1925-2011. Forestory, 2011, 2(2), 23 Toronto: FHSO
Keywords: people donald mackay; author; forestory
Armson, Ken, Or How to Discourage Entry into Forestry School. Forestory, 2011, 2(2), 25 Toronto: FHSO
Keywords: personal recollections; ken armson; forestry school; forestory
Armson, Ken, President's Message. Forestory, 2011, 2(2), i Toronto: FHSO
Location: Northcentral Ontario
Armson, Ken, President's Message. Forestory, 2012, 3(1), iii Toronto: FHSO
Armson, Ken, President's Message. Forestory, 2012, 3(2), i Toronto: FHSO
Armson, Ken, President's Message. Forestory, 2013, 4(1), i Toronto: FHSO
Armson, Ken, President's Message. Forestory, 2013, 4(2), i Toronto: FHSO
Armson, Ken, Forest History Bits. Forestory, 2014, 5(1), 33-34 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Art/Other Media,General Forest History
Location: Algonquin Park; Central Ontario
Keywords: forest documentation; historical evidence; tom thomson; forestory; personal recollection
Armson, Ken, Tribute to David Fayle. Forestory, 2014, 5(1), 35 Toronto: FHSO
Keywords: people; david fayle; forestory
Armson, Ken, Event: University of New Brunswick Celebrates Forest History Month. Forestory, 2014, 5(2), 32 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Forest Science/Education,Events/News
Keywords: event; university of new brunswick; forest history month; forestory
Armson, Ken, Forest History and Technology. Forestory, 2016, 7(2), 13-14 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Forest Industry/Extraction/Products
Keywords: forestory; harvesting; technology
Armson, Ken, Reflections on the Algonquin Park Controversy, 1968 - 1974. Forestory, 2016, 7(2), 28-30 Toronto: FHSO
Location: central ontario; algonquin park
Keywords: forestory; personal recollections; ken armson; algonquin park controversy
Armson, Ken, Book Review: Pinus Strobus. Forestory, 2017, 8(2), 37-39 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Forest Industry/Extraction/Products,Book Reviews/References/Resources
Location: northcentral ontario
Keywords: forestory; pinus strobus; white pine; mills
Armson, Ken, The Frank A. MacDougall Forest History Fund. Forestory, 2017, 8(2), 6-8 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Misc
Keywords: forestory; frank macdougall; trust fund; bushplane museum
Armson, Ken, The Victoria Harbour Lumber Company. Forestory, 2018, 9(1), 18-20 Toronto: FHSO
Location: central ontario; victoria harbour
Keywords: forestory; lumber mill; john waldie; victoria harbour
Armson, Ken, Book Review: The Buchan Report. Forestory, 2018, 9(2), 15-16 Toronto: FHSO
Location: northwestern ontario; white lake; black lake
Keywords: forestory; buchan report; logging
Armson, Ken, Nursery and Early Plantings (1917-1927) of the Abitibi Power and Paper Company Ltd., Iroquois Falls, Ontario. Forestory, 2019, 10(2), 28-30 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Land/Forest Planning/Management
Location: northeastern ontario; Iroquois Falls
Keywords: nursery; early plantings; reforestation; abitibi; iroquois falls; forestory
Armson, Ken, Book Review: "The History and Locations of North Shore Logging Camps". Forestory, 2019, 10(2), 32 Toronto: FHSO
Location: northcentral ontario; North Shore
Keywords: book review; history and locations north shore logging camps; john haegemann; forestory
Armson, Ken, Chapter 1 - History - Private Land Forests, A Public Resource, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 1982. Forestory, 2020, 11(1), 26-35 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Forest Law/Policy,Land/Forest Planning/Management
Keywords: forestory, private land forestory, chapter 1; armson report
Armson, Ken, Book Review Addendum to Pinus Strobus. Forestory, 2020, 11(1), 43 Toronto: FHSO
Keywords: forestory; compendium of sea vessels; white pine; north shore; great lakes
Armson, Ken and Fraser Dunn, Forest History Session at the CIF AGM. Forestory, 2019, 10(2), 6 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Museums/Archives/Societies,Events/News
Keywords: forest history; Canadian Instute of Forestory; CIF; annual general meeting; AGM; forestory
Arthur Herbert Richardson, Conservation by the People: Precis of Chapter 2 The Roots Sink Deep. Forestory, 2024, 15(1), 65-66
Subject: Forest Destruction/Protection,Forest Conservation,Water/Flood,Organizational History
Location: southern
Keywords: history; southern ontario; conservation authorities
Bacher, J., Two Billion Trees and Counting. 2011, Toronto: Dundern Press
Subject: Early Forest History/Settlement - Before 1900,Land/Forest Planning/Management,Forest Destruction/Protection,Forest Conservation,People/Personal Recollections
Keywords: A biography of E.J. Zavitz, the "father of reforestation" in Ontario
Bacher, John, A History of the Rockland Plantation. Forestory, 2011, 2(1), 11 Toronto: FHSO
Location: Southeastern Ontario
Keywords: rockland plantation; reforestation; forestory
Bacher, John, Commemorative Cycling Trek of Edmund Zavitz's Ride. Forestory, 2011, 2(2), 13-15 Toronto: FHSO
Keywords: ontario history society; forestory; event; zavitz; cycling tour
Bacher, John, Ferdinand Larose - Key Architect of Ecological Resurrection of Eastern Ontario. Forestory, 2011, 2(2), 21-23 Toronto: FHSO
Location: southeastern ontario; larose forest
Keywords: people; ferdinand larose; larose forest; reforestation; forestory
Bacher, John, David Dunlap Observatory Greenspace. Forestory, 2012, 3(1), 46-49 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Forest/Land Description/Measurement
Location: Southcentral Ontario
Keywords: green space; david dunlap observatory; forestory
Bacher, John, The Swamp Forests of Southeastern Niagara. Forestory, 2012, 3(2), 12-14 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Forest Ecology/Species
Location: Southwestern Ontario; Niagara
Keywords: swamp forests; vegetation; niagara; forestory; species
Bacher, John, George Johnson, Pioneer Native Canadian Forest Conservationist. Forestory, 2012, 3(2), 34-37 Toronto: FHSO
Location: Southwestern Ontario
Keywords: people; george johnson; native; conservation; forestory
Bacher, John, Forest Destruction and Restoration in the Huron Tract. Forestory, 2013, 4(1), 22-26 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Forest Destruction/Protection
Keywords: forest destruction; deforestation; huron tract; thames river; flooding; forestory
Bacher, John, Mini Bios of Nelson Monteith, William Phipps and Watson Porter. Forestory, 2013, 4(1), 27-28 Toronto: FHSO
Keywords: biography; monteith; phipps; porter; forestory; people
Bacher, John, Huronia: From Blow Sands to Phosphorus Overloading. Forestory, 2013, 4(2), 16-20 Toronto: FHSO
Keywords: huronia; blow sands; reforestation; forestory
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