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Get Involved

How You Can Get Involved

There is a lot you can do to get involved with Forest History Ontario.  Lend your voice to help determine where and how to focus the organization's efforts. Help to collate forest history information into our catalogues.  Interview individuals who have played a role in Ontario's forest history. And more.

Input Publication and Archive Information into our catalogues

The FHO has two online catalogues to capture information on: 1) publications and other media related to Ontario forest history; and 2) archival material related to Ontario forest history.  You can help the organization by inputting information to one or both of these catalogues, especially local information.

make entries into our catalogues
collect oral histories

Interview People Involved in Forest History

FHO is interested in documenting forest history through oral interviews.  If you are aware of someone in your local area who has played a role in Ontario's forest history, please consider interviewing them and documenting the interview digitally or in writing.

Write Articles for Forestory

FHO welcomes articles for its semi-annual publication Forestory.  Articles can include descriptions of history related to local, regional or provincial events, people, organizations or ecology, as examples.

write for our journal
contact archives

Contact Local Museums, Archives and Historical Societies

FHO is interested in knowing more about local museums, archives or historical societies, the forestry related materials they hold, and opportunities for assisting these organizations in building their forestry history related holdings.

Join Our Board of Directors

FHO has an active Board of Directors that meets regularly to set strategic direction and manage the organization.  If you have an interest in  helping the organization determine where and how to focus its efforts, and have a few hours to give each month, then please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. expressing your interest.

join the board of directors

In all cases, if you are interested in one or more of the above opportunities, please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your name, contact information and how you would like to help FHO achieve its goals of discovering, preserving and informing about Ontario's forest history.


Our Supporters

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york region