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Murray, Peter, The Blue Ox Forwarder - Its Brief History at the Hay Company, 1957-1960. Forestory, 2011, 2(1), 9-10 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Forest Industry/Extraction/Products
Keywords: forest extraction; equipment; hay company; blue ox forwarder; forestory
n/a, Sylva Recap: Department Exhibit at the C.N.E. Editorial Reprinted from Sylva: Vol 4 (5): 14-18. Edited by N/A, Forestory, 2022, 13(2), 31-32 N/A: N/A
Subject: Organizational History,Events/News
Keywords: forestory, fall issue, volume 13, issue 2,;sylva recap; cne exhibition
N/A, Erik Jorgensen Remembered. Forestory, 2023, 14(1), 46
Subject: People/Personal Recollections
Keywords: Forestory; Volume 14; Issue 1; Spring; 2023; Erik Jorgensen
N/a, Renewing Nature's Wealth - Chapter 25: The Department in its Wider Setting. Forestory, 2023, 14(1), 51-52
Subject: Organizational History
Keywords: Forestory; Volume 14; Issue 1; Spring; 2023; Renewing Nature's Wealth Chapter 25
Nealls, Vince, Disturbance and Regeneration at Black Sturgeon Lake. Forestory, 2016, 7(2), 3-5 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Land/Forest Planning/Management
Location: northwestern ontario; black sturgeon lake
Keywords: forestory ; disturbance; regeneration; black sturgeon lake
Neumann, Martin, Arkell Springs - City of Guelph. An Early Example of Reforestation to Protect a Municipal Water Supply. Forestory, 2024, 15(2), 46-51 Barrie: FHO
Subject: Water/Flood
Location: Guelph
Keywords: water, conservation, reforestation, guelph
Nipigon Historical Museum, Camp 51 - The One Millionth Cord. Forestory, 2016, 7(1), 42-46 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Forest Industry/Extraction/Products,Museums/Archives/Societies
Location: Northwestern Ontario; Nipigon
Keywords: camp 51; logging; forestory; nipigon
ODLF, Manual of Management Plan Requirements for the Province of Ontario. 1962, Toronto, Ontario: Ontario Department of Lands and Forests
Subject: Forest/Land Description/Measurement,Land/Forest Planning/Management
Location: Ontario
Keywords: management; planning;
OMNR, Algonquin Provincial Park Management Plan. 1998, Toronto: Queen's Printer for Ontario
Subject: Land/Forest Planning/Management,Forest Conservation
Location: Algonquin Park
OMNR, Direction 90s...Moving Ahead 1995. 1994, Ontario: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Keywords: MNR; policy;
OMNR, We Can Help...Huronia District. Toronto Ontario: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Location: Huronia District, Ontario
Keywords: huronia; MNR; staff; services
OMNR, Directory Secondary Wood-Using Industries in Ontario 1981. 1980, Toronto, Ontario: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Ontario, Report of Commission on Forest Reservation and National Park. 1893, Toronto: Legislative Assembly
Keywords: policy; forest management; forest use; forest protection
Ontario Government, Report of the Ontario Royal Commission on Forestry. 1947, Toronto: King's Printer for Ontario
Paget, Garry, My Centennial Summer as a Junior Ranger. Forestory, 2015, 6(1), 34-36 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Forest Science/Education,People/Personal Recollections
Location: Northcentral Ontario; Chapleau
Keywords: personal recollections; junior ranger; garry paget; forestory
Paget, Garry, The Pagets and a Forestry Connection. Forestory, 2016, 7(1), 15-18 Toronto: FHSO
Location: Central Ontario; Muskoka; Bracebridge
Keywords: paget family; mills; forestory; people
Paget, Garry, My Centennial Summer as a Junior Ranger - Part 2. Forestory, 2016, 7(1), 29-34 Toronto: FHSO
Location: northcentral ontario; chaplea
Keywords: personal recollections; garry paget; junior ranger; forestory
Paget, Garry, Junior Forest Ranger Program. Forestory, 2016, 7(2), 31-32 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Forest Science/Education,Organizational History
Keywords: forestory; junior ranger
Paget, Garry, My Senior Forest Ranger Summer of 1968. Forestory, 2017, 8(1), 27-30 Toronto: FHSO
Keywords: forestory; personal recollections; junior rangers; chapleau
Paget, Garry, The Pictographs of Fairy Point on Missinaibi Lake. Forestory, 2017, 8(2), 21-26 Toronto: FHSO
Location: northcentral ontario; missinaibi lake; chapleau
Keywords: forestory; art; pictographs; missinaibi lake; Chapleau
Paget, Garry, Event: John Macfie Receives Honorary Diploma from Fleming College, Lindsay, Ontario. Forestory, 2017, 8(2), 27-28 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: People/Personal Recollections,Events/News
Keywords: forestory; event; john macfie; honourary diploma; fleming college
Paget, Garry, Remembering Jerry McAuley. Forestory, 2017, 8(2), 29-32 Toronto: FHSO
Keywords: forestory; jerry mcauley; people; personal recollections
Parsons, H.H., Aerial Timber Sketching Memoirs. 1976, self published manuscript: Parsons, H.H.
Subject: Forest/Land Description/Measurement
Location: Northern Ontario
Paterson, Gilbert C., Land Settlement in Upper Canada 1783 - 1840 (in Sixteenth Report of the Department of Archives for the Provnice of Ontario, 1920). Edited by Alexander Fraser, 1921, Toronto: The Legislative Assembly of Ontario
Subject: Early Forest History/Settlement - Before 1900
Location: Upper Canada, Southern Ontario
Patterson, Gilbert C., Land Settlement in Upper Canada 1783-1840. 1920, Toronto: King's Printer for the Province of Ontario
Pennock, L., Sylva Recap: Life in the Camboose Camps. Forestory, 2014, 5(1), 45 Toronto: FHSO
Keywords: camboose camps; shantymen; logging; forestory; sylva recap
Perera, Ajith, David Euler and Ian Thompson (Eds), Ecology of a Managed Terrestrial Landscape. 2000, Vancouver: UBC Press
Subject: Forest/Land Description/Measurement,Forest Science/Education,Land/Forest Planning/Management
Keywords: forest ecology; landscape management
Pickering, Laura and John Pineau, Forest Inventory Past and Present. Forestory, 2012, 3(1), 18 Toronto: FHSO
Keywords: forest inventory; forestory
Pigeon, Mary McCormack, Living at Cache Lake. 1995, Whitney, ON: The Friends of Algonquin Park
Location: Cache Lake, Algonuin Park
Keywords: algonquin park, cache lake, forest rangers
Pinto, F., S. Romaniuk, M. Ferguson, Presettlement Forest Composition of the Sudbury Forest. 2004, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
Location: Sudbury
Pinto, Fred, Pre-Industrial Forest Cover of Northeastern Ontario. Forestory, 2012, 3(1), 1-4 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Forest/Land Description/Measurement,Forest Ecology/Species
Location: Northeastern Ontario
Keywords: pre-industrial forest cover; forestory
Place,I.C.M., 75 Years of Research in the Woods. 2002, Burnstown, ON: General Store Publishing House
Subject: Forest Science/Education
Location: Petawawa
Keywords: Petawawa Forest Experiment station, forest research
Plonski, W.L., Normal Yield Tables. 1971, Toronto, Ontario: Department of Lands and Forests
Keywords: yield, tables
Plosz, A.J., Q & O Our Story -The Quebec and Ontario Paper Company. 1988, St. Catharines, Ontario: Quebec & Ontario Paper Company
Subject: Land/Forest Planning/Management,People/Personal Recollections
Location: Ontario & Quebec
Plourde, Ken, Early Days at Kenisis Lake Sawmill. Forestory, 2011, 2(2), 26-28 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Forest Industry/Extraction/Products,People/Personal Recollections
Location: Central Ontario; Kenisis Lake
Keywords: personal recollections; ken plourde; kenisis lake sawmill; forestory
Plourde, Ken, Forest Inventory "After the Storm". Forestory, 2012, 3(2), 42-43 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Forest Destruction/Protection,Water/Flood,People/Personal Recollections
Location: northwestern ontario; heron bay
Keywords: personal recollection; ken plourde; forestory; hurricane
Plourde, Ken, Black Dan and Dynamite!. Forestory, 2013, 4(1), 44 Toronto: FHSO
Location: Northwestern Ontario
Keywords: black dan; lumberjack tale; dynamite; forestory; personal recollections; people
Plourde, Ken, The Shantymen. Forestory, 2014, 5(1), 6-8 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Early Forest History/Settlement - Before 1900,Forest Industry/Extraction/Products
Location: Central Ontario
Keywords: forestory; shantymen; sawmills;
Ponsford, G.E., Sylva Recap - The World’s Largest Fire Fighting Organization Reprinted from Sylva: Vol 7 (4): 12-17, 1951. Forestory, 2023, 14(1), 47-50
Subject: Forest Destruction/Protection,Organizational History
Keywords: Forestory; Volume 14; Issue 1; Spring; 2023; Sylva Recap; World's Fire Fighting Organization
Powell, Russ, The Origins of Conservation Authorities. Forestory, 2010, 1(2), 10-11 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Forest Conservation,Water/Flood,Organizational History
Keywords: Conservation Authorities; organizational history; forestory
Pross, A.P., The Development of a Forest Policy: a study of the Ontario Department of lands and Forests. 1967, Ph. D. University of Toronto
Puddister, Michael, Pre-Settlement Vegetation - Credit River Watershed. Forestory, 2012, 3(2), 4-8 Toronto: FHSO
Location: Southwestern Ontario; Credit River Watershed
Keywords: pre-settlement vegetation; credit river; forestory
Putnam, Donald (Ed.), Canadian Regions. 1952, Toronto: J. M. Dent and Sons
Pyne, Stephen J., An Awful Splendour, A Fire History of Canada. 2007, Vancouver: UBC Press
Subject: Forest Destruction/Protection
Location: Canada
Keywords: Wildfires; Canada History; Fire Ecology; Fires Canada
Radforth, I., Bushworkers and Bosses: logging in northern Ontario, 1900-1980. 1987, University of Toronto Press
Reaman, G.L., The Trail of the Black Walnut. 1957, Mclelland and Stewart
Location: Southern Ontario
Reese, Ken, FHSO at the York Region Forest Festival. Forestory, 2019, 10(2), 5 Toronto: FHSO
Subject: Museums/Archives/Societies
Location: southcentral ontario; York Region
Keywords: york regional forest festival; forestory
Reeves, Alastair I. , Victor Gilbert, BA, BScF: He Wasn't Just a Name in an Accident Report. Forestory, 2024, 15(2), 5-12 Barrie: FHO
Location: northwest; Lac des Mille Lacs; Savanne
Keywords: fire, aviation, victor, gilbert, accident
Rehder, Robert, Hope Mill, on the Indian River, East of Peterborough. Forestory, 2013, 4(1), 39-41 Toronto: FHSO
Location: Southeastern Ontaroi; Peterborough; Hope Mill; Indian River
Keywords: hope mill sawmill; restoration; museum; forestory
Richardson, A.H., Forest Tree Planting. 1935, Toronto, Ontario: Department of Lands and Forests
Keywords: planting;
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