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Page 6 of 14 Results 251 - 300 of 692

Title/NameOrder by:  Author  Title  Year

Brownstein, David, Update: Canadian Forest History Preservation Project. Forestory, 2011, 2(1), 19-20 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Book Reviews/References/Resources

Keywords: forest history preservation; canada; project; forestory

Brownstein, David, Canadian Forest History Preservation Project Update. Forestory, 2012, 3(1), 59 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Museums/Archives/Societies

Keywords: forest history preservation; canada; project; forestory

Brownstein, David, The Results Are In! The Canadian Forest History Preservation Project. Forestory, 2012, 3(2), 46 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Museums/Archives/Societies

Keywords: forest history preservation; canada; project; forestory

Bruce McCallum, Memories of The Chukuni Lumber Co.. 2013, Prince Edward Island: Bruce McCallum

Subject: Early Forest History/Settlement - Before 1900

Burgar, B.J., Forest Land-Use Evolution in Ontario's Upper Great LakesBasin . Edited by Flader, Susan L., 1983, Minneapolis, Minn.: University of Minnesota Press

Subject: Early Forest History/Settlement - Before 1900,Forest/Land Description/Measurement,Forest Law/Policy,People/Personal Recollections

Location: Ontario's Great Lakes

Keywords: land use development

Burke, Sarah, Book Review : "Easter Water". Forestory, 2019, 10(2), 33 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Book Reviews/References/Resources

Keywords: book review; easter water; sarah burke; forestory

Burnstown Publishing House, Into the Woods - My Life in Forestry, by Ken Armson. Forestory, 2019, 10(2), 31 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Land/Forest Planning/Management,People/Personal Recollections

Keywords: biography; ken armson; my life in forestry; into the woods; forestory; peopple

Cacciott, Cody, The Northern Ontario Railroad Museum and Heritage Centre. Forestory, 2015, 6(1), 46-47 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Museums/Archives/Societies

Keywords: museum; northern ontario railroad; forestory

Campbell, I and C. Campbell, Pre-European horticultural impact on the forest landscape and succession of southern Ontario. Canada. Archeolog. Notes, 1993, 93(4), 12-17

Subject: Forest/Land Description/Measurement

Location: Southern Ontario

Carey, Arthur, Sylva Recap: The Land is a Future to be Saved. Forestory, 2019, 10(1), 54-55 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Land/Forest Planning/Management

Location: Ontario

Keywords: sylva recap; land management; forestory

Carleton, Neil, Shady Characters. Forestory, 2011, 2(2), 34 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Ecology/Species,Book Reviews/References/Resources

Location: southeastern ontario; almonte

Keywords: shady characters; significant trees; almonte area; forestory

Carleton, Neil, Gilbert F. "Gib" Carleton (1915-2012). Forestory, 2013, 4(1), 37 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: People/Personal Recollections

Keywords: trees; almonte; forestory

Carman, Bob, Ralph S. Carman, Contributions to Forestry and Conservation in Southern Ontario 1928 to 1954. Forestory, 2011, 2(1), 15-16 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: People/Personal Recollections

Keywords: people; ralph carman; conservation; forestory

Carruthers, Margaret, The Searchmont Plantations - A Mystery Solved. Forestory, 2013, 4(2), 25 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Land/Forest Planning/Management

Location: Northcentral Ontario; Searchmont

Keywords: searchmont; plantation; forestory

Cary, John, Bob Dixon: Vignette of a Provincial Visionary with Gin in Guyana. Forestory, 2012, 3(1), 53 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: People/Personal Recollections

Keywords: people; bob dixon; forestory; personal recollections

Casson, Dollier and De Brehant De Gallinee, Exploration of the Great Lakes 1669-1670. Edited by Coyne, James H., Ontario Historical Society, Papers and Records, 1903, 89

Subject: Forest/Land Description/Measurement

Keywords: forest description, wildlife description; early history

Chambers, Brenda, Karen Legasy and Cathy V. Bentley, Forest Plants of Central Ontario. 1996, Edmonton: Lone Pine Publishing

Subject: Forest/Land Description/Measurement

Clarke, C.H.D., Sylva Recap: The Wild Turkey in Ontario. Forestory, 2014, 5(2), 33-35 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Ecology/Species,Wildlife/Habitat

Keywords: wild turkeys; wildlife management; forestory; sylva recap; ecology; species

Cleary, K., R. Latimer, Cone Collecting in Ontario. Toronto, Ontario: Ministry of Natural Resources

Subject: Land/Forest Planning/Management

Location: Ontario

Cleavely, Dave, All in the Family .... No Not the Sitcom. Forestory, 2013, 4(1), 36 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Destruction/Protection,People/Personal Recollections

Keywords: people; cleavely; forest fire fighting; forestory

Clingen, Chelsea, The Unsung Story: Frank A. MacDougall and the Kirkwood Forest Plantation. Forestory, 2024, 15(2), 13-21 FHO

Subject: Land/Forest Planning/Management

Location: norhcentral; Kirkwood; MacDougall; Thesallon; Algonquin

Keywords: plantation, flying, macdougall

Commito, Michael, A Sparkling example of what aggressiveness, imagination and skill can accomplish, the rise of the Dubreil Brothers Limited 1948-1973. Ontario History, 2013, 105(2), 212-230

Subject: Forest Industry/Extraction/Products

Location: Central Ontario

Commito, Mike, From Timber to Town: The Emergence of Dubreuilville. Forestory, 2011, 2(1), 12-14 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Industry/Extraction/Products,People/Personal Recollections

Location: Northcentral Ontario; Dubreuiville

Keywords: Dubreuilville; company town; forest industry; forestory

Commito, Mike, Book Review: Shaped by the West Wind: Nature and History in Georgian Bay. Forestory, 2011, 2(2), 29-30 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Book Reviews/References/Resources

Location: Central Ontario; muskoka

Keywords: book review; west wind; muskoka; forestory

Commito, Mike, Book Review: "Dictators Like Trees" Reviewing Song of the Forest. Forestory, 2012, 3(1), 54 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Book Reviews/References/Resources

Keywords: book review; song of the forest; forestory

Commito, Mike, Book Review: "Pineros: Latino Labour and the Changing Face of Forestry in the Pacific Northwest". Forestory, 2012, 3(2), 44-45 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Book Reviews/References/Resources

Keywords: book review; pineros; latino labour; forestory

Commito, Mike, The Biggest, Blackest Graveyard. Forestory, 2013, 4(1), 11-13 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Destruction/Protection

Location: Northcentral Ontario

Keywords: forest fires; mississagi; forestory

Commito, Mike, Book List by Mike Commito. Forestory, 2013, 4(1), 49 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Book Reviews/References/Resources

Keywords: recommended books; book list; forestory

Commito, Mike, The American Black Bear. Forestory, 2015, 6(1), 42-45 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Ecology/Species,Wildlife/Habitat

Keywords: species; black bear; ecology; forestory; wildlife

Connelly, B.A., Holy Old Whistlin. 2006, General Store Publishing House

Subject: Logging

Location: Algonquin Park

Connelly, Brent, Off in a Cloud of Heifer Dust - Some Ottawa Valley Yarns. 2009, Renfrew, Ontario: General Store Publishing House

Subject: Early Forest History/Settlement - Before 1900,Land/Forest Planning/Management

Location: Ottawa Valley

Corbett, Daniel and Laurie McMillan, Historic Data Assets Find New Home. Forestory, 2011, 2(1), 17-19 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Museums/Archives/Societies

Keywords: reference; information and data management; forestory

Coulombe, Danielle, Hearst: une region exportatrice de bois a pate!. Forestory, 2011, 2(1), 6-8 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Industry/Extraction/Products

Location: Northcentral Ontario; Hearst

Keywords: hearst; forest industry; forestory

Coyne, G.F., Sylva Recap: The Timber Cruiser. Forestory, 2012, 3(1), 65-66 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest/Land Description/Measurement

Keywords: sylva recap; timber cruising; cruiser; forestory

Craig, Gerald M., Upper Canada: The Formative Years, 1784 - 1841. 1963, Toronto: McClelland and Stewart

Subject: Early Forest History/Settlement - Before 1900

Location: Southern Ontario

Crichton, V., Sylva Recap: The Chapleau Crown Game Preserve. Forestory, 2015, 6(1), 48-51 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Wildlife/Habitat

Location: Northcentral Ontario; chapleau

Keywords: sylva recap; chapleau; crown game preserve; forestory

Crichton, Vincent, Pioneering in Northern Ontario - history of the Chapleau District. 1975, Belleville, Ontario: Mika Publishing Company

Subject: Early Forest History/Settlement - Before 1900,Land/Forest Planning/Management

Location: Chapleau

Keywords: Lumbering, settlement

Cringan, A.T., Sylva Recap: Ontario's Furthest North Sawmill. Forestory, 2017, 8(2), 35-36 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Industry/Extraction/Products

Location: northwestern ontario

Keywords: forestory; sawmills; northwestern ontario; sylva recap

Cronk, Austin and Loretta (Ruxton) Cronk, James Ruxton (1895-1983). Forestory, 2013, 4(2), 35-36 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: People/Personal Recollections

Keywords: people: james ruxton; forestry career; forestory

Cross, Michael, The Lumber Community of Upper Canada. Ontario Historical Society, Papers and Records, 1960, 52(4), 213-233

Keywords: Labour History

Cross, Michael, The Shiner's War: Social Violence in the Ottawa Valley in the 1930's. Canadian Historical Review, 1973, 54(1), 1-26

Location: Ottawa

Keywords: Social history

D'eon, Steve, History in the Making? LIDAR Based Enhanced Forest Inventory. Forestory, 2012, 3(1), 25-26 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest/Land Description/Measurement

Location: Southwestern Ontario; Goderich

Keywords: forest inventory; LIDAR; forestory

Davis, Graeme, Event: Simcoe County Forest - Celebrating 90 Years of Forestry Excellence; Simcoe County News Release. Forestory, 2012, 3(1), 59-60 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Events/News

Location: Southcentral Ontario; Simcoe County

Keywords: event; simcoe county; celebration 90 years; forestory

Day, R.J., J.V. Carter, Stand Structure and Successional Development of the White and Red Pine Communities in the Temagami Forest. 1990, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources

Location: Temagami

Dean, Joanna, Six Moments in the History of an Urban Forest. Forestory, 2012, 3(1), 39-40 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Urban Forestry

Keywords: urban forest; forestory

Dech, Jeffery P., Changing Demands for Forest Information. Forestory, 2012, 3(1), 27-29 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Science/Education

Keywords: forest information; forestory

deJong, Michael, Forestry-Related Archival Holdings at the Thunder Bay Museum. Forestory, 2018, 9(2), 21-22 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Museums/Archives/Societies

Location: northwestern ontario; Thunder Bay

Keywords: forestory; timber and pulp and paper company fonds; thunder bay museum

Delfre, Mike, Event: Charting a New Course - The Canadian Bushplane Museum. Forestory, 2011, 2(1), 20-21 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Forest Destruction/Protection,Museums/Archives/Societies,Events/News

Location: Northcentral Ontario; Sault Ste Marie

Keywords: canadian bushplane museum; forestory; event

Delfre, Mike, Events: Lights! Camera! Action!. Forestory, 2011, 2(2), 34 Toronto: FHSO

Subject: Museums/Archives/Societies,Events/News

Location: Northcentral Ontario; Sault Ste Marie

Keywords: bushplane museum; forestory; event

Dixon, R.M., Point Sampling, Wedge Prisms and Their Application in Forest Inventories. 1958, Ontario: Ontario Department of Lands and Forests, Division of Timber

Subject: Forest/Land Description/Measurement

Location: Ontario

Keywords: report 26; prism; inventory; sampling;

Page 6 of 14 Results 251 - 300 of 692

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